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Database Specialist for hire

30 years plus experience in high-risk production environments.

We deliver all dba services

Daily dba and sysadmin tasks are part of our core skills. Daily Database Admin, tuning & performance, SQL support, migration

Babam Bites database services

Support of RDBMS and NoSQL

We support RDBMS and NoSQL database platforms. More than 30 years of hands-on experience in supporting Sybase ASE, 20 years of MS SQL Server, 5 years of Mysql and 2 of Mongodb

BabamBites Migration Services

Migrate anything, anywhere

Upgrading, migrating, tuning. In the last 30 years, we delivered this service for over a thousand databases. Life Cycle projects, data centre moves, platform switches, migration from on-premise to a private or public cloud. You name it, we did it.

Our projects and customers

Babam Bites was founded in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1998. We have been serving a wide range of large customers during this period. Review our success stories for an overview.

Sybase ASE and Replication goto shop in Benelux

With over 30 years of daily Sybase ASE and Sybase Replication experience, having supported each version dating back from 4.01 up until the latest service pack of version 16, we are confident we can tackle and handle each issue or project.

Babam Bites, Toon Eysakkers, A Sybase Specialist

On-time, On Budget

delivery, Oncall services possible


Latest work files

babam bites finalizes project at BNP Fortis Paribas
babam bites finalize project at BNP Fortis Paribas
babam bites finalizes project at Athlon Belgium
babam bites finalize project at Athlon Belgium

Let’s work together on your
next project

We can help your company with all kinds of database-related projects